Social Data 2020

The data reported here has been externally assured by DNV GL 2020 Assurance Statement

TopicGoalDataMetric Coverage
(% of VTR
Talent Attraction & RetentionMaintain overall employee engagement in the top half of companies compared to our peer benchmark

Delta to 50th percentile peer benchmark:

  • 2020: +3%
  • 2019: +8%
  • 2018: +9%
  • 20171: +16%


Talent Attraction & RetentionOffer an employee health package that exceeds a cross-industry benchmark of >2,500 companies

Avg. employee spend | Delta to peer benchmark:

  • 2020: $20,170 | +48%
  • 2019: $18,938 | +45%
  • 2018: $19,032 | +50%
  • 2017: $17,937 | +47%


Talent Attraction & RetentionAnnual target of 0 lost time incidents for employees

# incidents | Lost Time Frequency Rate

  • 2020: 1 | 1.13
  • 2019: 0 | 0
  • 2018: 1 | 1.13
  • 2017: 1 | 1.13


Diversity & InclusionMaintain 50:50 gender balance between male and female employees across our organization (+/- 5%)

% Female | % Male (as of 12/31):

  • 2020: 48 | 52
  • 2019: 48 | 52
  • 2018: 48 | 52
  • 2017: 48 | 52


Diversity & InclusionAchieve 25% female representation among Ventas Leadership by 2023

% Female | % Male:

  • 2020: 23 | 77
  • 2019: 20 | 80
  • 2018: 18 | 82
  • 2017: 18 | 82